
In our search for a cure for Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA), we work collaboratively with leading researchers, clinicians, academics and other charities across the world to try to bring this painful and debilitating autoimmune disease to an end. 

We believe that some of the clues are already out there – information from different research fields and disciplines that needs to be analysed and pulled together in a new way.  We work by joining the dots both within childhood arthritis research and more widely, towards finding a cure for Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis. 

We also conduct our own surveys and research projects, with our results presented at conferences and published in academic journals. If you would like to take part in future surveys, please join our JIA VIP Research Panel.

We are experienced PPI partners (Patient and Public Involvement partners), and have worked on a number of national and international research projects to make sure the patient and parent voices are heard. 

If you are a researcher or clinician and would like us to collaborate with you on a research project, please get in touch to see how we can support you with our JIA VIP Research Panel. The earlier in the research process that we are involved, the more effective our partnership can be.

Research publications.

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Join our JIA VIP Research Panel to take part in new surveys and patient involvement projects

The JIA VIP Research Panel is a unique opportunity for you to take part in research into Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA). By taking part, you will make a difference to many different research projects, helping researchers and clinical teams understand more about JIA and how it affects you. Long-term, this will help lead to new and improved treatments, better support for you and your family, and more effective clinical care. Find out more...