Newsletter : November 2022
What's new at Juvenile Arthritis Research
Our regular newsletters are sent by email to everyone on our mailing list. If you would like to join, sign up here.
Bringing Hope...
It was great to meet with so many healthcare professionals at the British Society for Rheumatology conference recently where we launched our "Little Book of Hope" booklet giving an overview of who we are, what we do and how we do it. We'll be sending these out in the post soon to everyone we hold a postal address for, so please make sure your address details are up to date with us.
Hospital and GP packs
We now have Hospital Packs available for Rheumatology teams and other hospital departments such as Physiotherapy, Orthopaedics and A&E departments. We've also developed GP packs which can be requested to be sent to your local GP practice.
Find the request form here
Schools factsheet
Our new "at-a-glance" schools factsheet summarises many of the tips and ideas we include for schools in our 'My JIA' booklet (the purple-edged pages in My JIA are aimed at schools) and in our bespoke 'School Toolkit' packs for education settings. You can print the new factsheet at (or get in touch if you need a paper copy sent to you or your school).
Your Voice
We recently launched the "Your Voice" area on our website - think of it like a virtual comment box for all things JIA related. Whether you are a parent/carer, patient, clinician or anyone else who has something to get off your chest about JIA, you can fill in the form to feed back comments, issues, concerns, ideas, and suggestions at
All comments are treated anonymously.