One Minute Briefs: Shortlist
Having received an amazing response when we teamed up with One Minute Briefs to raise awareness of juvenile idiopathic arthritis and to encourage people to #ThinkJIA, it was time for the judging to narrow down our favourites to create a shortlist.
We had lots of help with judging from children with JIA and their families, as well as members of our board of Trustees and other families not affected by JIA to get a good balance of views.
Our volunteer judges have spent the past couple of days working through all the incredible entries to decide the shortlist of 16 entries. From these, we will be choosing our overall winner.
It's been extremely difficult narrowing down to a shortlist as the quality and standard of entries from such talented designers and creatives was so incredibly high. Some were thought-provoking and poignant, some were informative, some were simple and powerful, some hugely positive and inspirational, some even made us laugh.
All of the entries can be found here on the One Minute Briefs Facebook page (you don't need a Facebook account to see this album), and the shortlist can be found below.
A huge thank you to all those who entered and helped raise awareness that children get arthritis, too.
We loved the clever concept of this poster showing that it is often hard to detect and diagnose JIA, combined with the image showing that it can also literally make it hard to pick objects up when you are struggling with joint pain.
This poster is hugely inspirational showing the reality of living with JIA in the form of the quote (an actual quote from McKenzie's mum) along with the line "But you wouldn't know unless we told you" showing just how much these children and young people overcome in their lives.
This poster shows that JIA doesn't have to hold you back. With improved awareness that young people can suffer from arthritis and quicker diagnosis children with JIA can lead full and active lives in a lot of cases and this poster reflects this.
A brilliantly creative take on the classic VW "Think Small" advert. Not only was this concept absolute genius but the poignancy and accuracy of the accompanying copy brought tears to our eyes knowing this is the lived experience of many children and families affected by JIA.
This poster made us giggle and is a great visual way to get the message across that children get arthritis too. Interestingly, in our experience, the reality is often that even young children with JIA actually do learn to say the words associated with their condition very early on - but as a concept, this is a fantastic poster!
A simple, clever concept which is beautifully visually self-explanatory.
We loved how this poster emphasises so many important elements in supporting children and young people with JIA and how Juvenile Arthritis Research is here to support children and families affected by JIA.
Poignant and powerful image and text.
A simple, but extremely thought-provoking, message.
This image made the judging team laugh for several days!!! That's why it deserved a worthy mention in our shortlist. But no, we won't be renaming the condition to "Youthritis"
We loved this poster for highlighting the importance of early diagnosis which makes a huge difference in outcomes for children with JIA.
This poster demonstrates a key message that we always try to convey in our #ThinkJIA awareness work; if a child is struggling to do something that they used to enjoy, then it could be JIA so it is important to get them checked by a doctor. This point is made both visually with the image and in the accompanying text.
A very topical image at the current time with Euro's in full swing and a very true point being made. Beautifully executed.
The visual message with the Bears with walking sticks gives immediate impact and the text gives more detail of arthritis affecting children and young people.
This was a popular poster with our younger judges reflecting how they can sometimes feel.
We loved the positive message in this poster. Not only does it show just what children with JIA can achieve but also highlights the importance of early diagnosis.