Adults with arthritis: the results
Last year we ran a study - Adults with Arthritis - working with our friends at Arthur's Place and The Wren Project.
Our aim was to understand more about experiences of living with arthritis (including JIA) as an adult. We will use this information to help us develop new services to meet the needs of our communities, to share our findings with clinical teams to help them improve services, and to help target future research, support and awareness activities into those things that matter most to you.
We are delighted to be able to share with you a summary of our key findings below.
We are still analysing the detailed results, and aim to have these published in the coming year. We want to make sure the important information you told us reaches the right people, so plan to share this at scientific conferences and events. We will also be developing new services and are planning new support models to help you, based on what you have told us. Thank you for taking part in this important study – by doing so you have helped us ensure we understand more about you and the impacts your condition has on you, and have helped us direct our work to best support you.