Online fundraising
There are lots of ways you can fundraise for Juvenile Arthritis Research online. Here are a few suggestions and links. If you need any help in setting-up a fundraiser, or want to run some ideas past us, please get in touch. We'd love to hear about what you do, so if you share your event on social media please remember to tag us!
For other fundraising ideas, please click here.
Facebook fundraiser
If you have a Facebook account, you can create a Facebook Fundraiser at any time by clicking here. You could do it to celebrate a birthday, as an easy way to sponsor you for an activity or event, or as a simple fundraiser. Any funds you raise are automatically processed and sent to us, and we are able to reclaim Gift Aid from UK taxpayers if they tick the box when they donate.
Click here to create a Facebook Fundraiser.
Just Giving Fundraising
With Just Giving you can create online fundraising pages to share and promote with your friends, family and online networks. When someone donates via Just Giving, the funds are sent to us automatically - you don't need to do anything to make that happen once the page is set up.
Click here to create a page on Just Giving.
We are also on a number of other similar platforms. If you'd like support in setting up a fundraising page on one of those, please contact us.
Stewardship Fundraising
With Stewardship you can create online fundraising pages to share and promote with your friends, family and online networks. You can give information about what you are doing (such as a sponsored event, or simply raising funds) and why you are doing it. This can really help people understand what living with JIA is like, and why it is important to raise funds to further our work. Any funds you raise are automatically processed and sent to us, and we are able to reclaim Gift Aid from UK taxpayers if they tick the box when they donate.
Click here to visit our page on Stewardship, then click 'Start fundraising'. You will be asked to create an account or sign-in, and can then create a fundraising page. Stewardship are a not-for-profit charity themselves, and charge the lowest fees compared to most other fundraising platforms. That means more of the money you raise goes to help children with arthritis.
We are also on a number of other similar platforms. If you'd like support in setting up a fundraising page on one of those, please contact us.
Fundraise with Wonderful
Wonderful is a fundraising platform that charges no fees - meaning every penny you raise goes directly to our work. They also don't ask for 'tips' to cover their costs, meaning the amount you choose to give is the amount we receive in total.
You can create fundraising pages, or make a direct donation, at
easyfundraising is the UK’s biggest charity shopping fundraising site. It's simple to use and it's completely free. Once you've signed-up to support Juvenile Arthritis Research through easyfundraising, each time you shop on line you can raise a free donation for us. It is that easy. All funds received are processed and sent to us by easyfundraising. We don't get to see who supports us, or where they shop, so it is a great way to raise funds safely and securely whilst shopping online.
To sign up:
Click 'Join us'.
Each time you use easyfundraising to shop online, we get a donation at no cost to you!
Fundraising ideas
There is almost no limit to what you can do to raise funds for Juvenile Arthritis Research. From sponsored events to quiz nights, days out to magic shows, let your imagination run wild! Many of these ideas can also be translated into online events, and if you are doing a sponsored event yourself you can use online platforms such as Virgin Money Giving to manage and collect sponsorship. We've put together this list of a few ideas that might help give some inspiration - but don't be limited by these!